Tuesday, May 31, 2011

School-Day 2

Good Afternoon!

This morning we started our day by presenting to a 12th grade class. Both groups gave their presentations and then we broke into small groups for question and answers. Since the kids were older, they asked about more in-depth topics: the death of Osama Bin Laden, Health Care in the US, opinions about President Obama, etc.

We then met for about 30 minutes as a group. We worked on fine tuning our presentations and then the kids related some of their new experiences to me. They were quite animated. Some of the interesting events: Searching for the bathroom light in the dark (most light switches are OUTSIDE of the bathroom door). The door handles do not move. When you leave a house, most houses have a gate that is also locked. Alec and his partner got stuck between a locked house door at a friends and a locked gate to leave the house. This also happened to me the first day. I forgot to buzz the gate open from the house and had to search for my house key.

The windows/glass doors have two settings-one it opens inward and the second direction it tilts inward about 15 degrees. Evan was turning the handle on the glass door when it started coming in his direction. The first time that happens, it is very nerve wracking.

As you can see the kids are happy and accumulating tons of experiences daily. The weather today was overcast and then rained when school was out. Tomorrow should be the same and then by the weekend, it should be quite warm: 85-90 degrees.

I have pictures for today, but my camera battery is charging and those will be added later. I will briefly see the kids tomorrow and then not again until Monday, due to the holiday-Accension.

Enjoy your day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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