Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dialog Museum

Good Morning. I was gone all day Saturday, so here is the description of the Dialog Museum.

Upon entering the room, we were given a cane. We were then told to put our left Hamden on the wall and follow the wall. At this point we entered total darkness. Our guide Dorothy explained that we were to always follow her voice. This worked well when the kids stopped talking. We were first on a park setting and had to cross a bridge. Shortly, after that we were in a city. Jessica hit her head on a telephone, I guess I was too short for that to happen, because Jessica was behind me. We then had to cross a street. We were told that the step down was big. We had to wait for the light to beep. It was nerve wracking to not know how far to step down. When I was in the middle of the street, she said our time was up. Lastly, we went to the cafe. We kept our hands on the bar until we got to the voice of the bartender. I wasn't sure how much money I had in my pocket (we were not allowed to bring anything with us). Luckily I had enough for a Fanta. We then walked to a seating area. The tables were quite low. Here we were able to talk to our guide. She was born prematurely and went blind at age 11. She said the most difficult things are wide open spaces and when there is a lot of noise around.

This was a great experience for everyone. All of the kids -German and American learned a lot.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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